Xanthos Futterwacken JW

For those who don’t know, the Futterwacken is a dance performed by the Mad Hatter so when I had a dance themed litter of puppies in May 2018 out of Samba it seemed like a fun choice to call my puppy Xanthos Futterwacken, at home we call him Lewis after Lewis Carroll who wrote Alice in Wonderland. Lewis carries an interesting pedigree with blood lines from Australia, Scandinavia and Read more
Xanthos Que Pasa JW
I was incredibly blessed to be able to judge the dogs at Crufts 2013, it was just the cherry on the cake that Dallas timed her season to be ready for mating the day after my appointment. So it was quite a unique situation that I experienced, to be able to judge such an outstanding entry of dogs who had come from all over Europe and beyond and then hopefully be able to use him on my Champion Read more
Xanthos Firenze JW

Florence was born 16th January 2010 out of Int Champion Pinkerly Kuala Lumpur who came to stay for a while from Italy. She is sired by my Xanthos Mondriaan and is very much her father’s daughter in both looks and disposition. Enthusiastic and happy in everything she does, she won her Junior Warrant with ease. A very strong swimmer, she has also proved she can work too… with a keen Read more
Xanthos Tintoretto JW

Litter sister to Xanthos Firenze JW, Tinto is one of the very successful litter I had from Int Champion Pinkerly Kuala Lumpur to my Xanthos Mondriaan back in January 2010. To campaign both sisters to their Junior Warrants was a bit of a juggling act with coats and seasons, but they both got their just accolades and then took some time out from the show ring. Tinto is more like her dam Aloha Read more
Xanthos Swansong

Born 11 September 2008, Willow is Thornton’s Swansong puppy. I was thrilled to have the opportunity of getting another puppy from this magic combination when Thornton and Fizz surprised me with another litter, after a number of bitches remaining empty we had really thought Thornton’s days of producing were over, but when the vet said he is still fertile have faith we thought we Read more
Dewmist Cloud Burst

DEWMIST CLOUD BURST born in May 1993 Cloudia was bred by Henric Fryckstrand in Sweden. By Dewmist Secret Service out of Norwegian Champion Dewmist Corindabella her pedigree incorporates some of the best Dewmist bloodlines. A championship show winner in England she was the dam of my Champion Xanthos Lah Di Dah and the Vogt’s Champion Xanthos Thunderbolt. Her daughter Xanthos Fiddle Dee Read more
Xanthos Rahnee ~ Top Brood Bitch 2001

XANTHOS RAHNEE born in May 1996 by KERRIEN CHURCHILL OF SANSUE out of my XANTHOS INDIGO daughter GLENMORAY SAMSKARA. She lived with very good friend of mine, but I did qualify her for Crufts 1998 and she thrilled me with a 3rd place, lightly shown (she split and subsequently lost an incisor) but she proved her worth in her only visit to the maternity wing producing a super litter to Read more
Xanthos Poppyfield

XANTHOS POPPYFIELD born in January 1989 a beautiful bitch in mind and body, not an extrovert show girl but one I dream of reproducing. She won one CC and one reserve for me but tragically died in 1997 leaving me with no offspring. Read more
Xanthos Guess Who

XANTHOS GUESS WHO born in March 1995. Jaffa is by KULAWAND RAINBOW MAN out of my XANTHOS INDIGO daughter GLENMORAY SAMSKARA she is a Best Puppy winner at both Championship and Open Show level. Her litter brother XANTHOS GHOST WRITER was Best Puppy at Crufts 1996. Read more
Xanthos Hallelujah

Xanthos Hallelujah is a granddaughter of Xanthos Orange Blossom, out of Xanthos Jaipur by Ch Xanthos Tom Foolery. Bred and owned in partnership with Sue Green. Psalm has made an impression during her first year, a championship show winner and a very enthusiastic worker she went along on her first shoot at 7 months to listen to the guns… she promptly ran in and picked her first partridge Read more
Sandicliffe Ruby Murray JW ~ Top Brood Bitch 2010

Sandicliffe Ruby Murray was bred by Denise Avery, and is a daughter of my Champion Xanthos Tom Foolery at home we call her Tikka. An absolute poppet to have around, she can turn her hand to anything, she was a winning puppy, taking her Junior Warrant with ease. She has her Show Gundog Working Certificate, and is a very important member of the picking-up team throughout the winter. She has also Read more
Xanthos To Be Sure

XANTHOS TO BE SURE born in August 1997 by Irish Champion and Champion PAPETA PHILOSOPHER out of my XANTHOS INDIGO daughter GLENMORAY SAMSKARA a winner at both Open and Championship Show level with a number of postgrad wins under her belt. Dam of both XANTHOS FOREIGN AFFAIRE and Australian Champion XANTHOS FLETCHER CHRISTIAN JW. Read more
Xanthos Foreign Affaire

XANTHOS FOREIGN AFFAIRE by Norwegian and Swedish Champion Inassicas Song of Songs and out of Xanthos To Be Sure. Halo is an exciting bitch to show, and has a tremendous enthusiasm for work. She was only lightly shown as a youngster while her litter brother Xanthos Fletcher Christian was campaigned to his Junior Warrant, but took her Show Gundog Working Certificate with ease. Her first litter Read more
Xanthos Purple Patch

Xanthos Purple Patch was born in May 1998 litter sister to my own Champion Xanthos Black Thorn JW she is owned in partnership with Sue Green. Thai had to take rather a back seat while the boys were being campaigned to their Junior Warrants during 1999, but she still qualified for Crufts 2000. She has one CC to her credit, and is the worthy dam of Champions Gryffindor, Glastonbury and Sh Ch Read more
Xanthos Indigo

XANTHOS INDIGO by Show Champion Linchael Cartier of Gloi out of Show Champion Xanthos O’Hara. Born in July 1990 he gained his Stud Book number from a Limit win before heading for Spain where he continued to win picking up 8 CAC 2res CAC 5 CACIB 3 res CACIB and 5 BOB A very glamorous and free moving dog he is behind much of my current stock, the photograph was taken at Border Union Read more
Xanthos Orange Blossom ~ Top Brood 2003

XANTHOS ORANGE BLOSSOM, Bred and owned in partnership with Sue Green. India was born on May 18th 1996 out of our Xanthos Indigo / Xanthos Etoile daughter Xanthos Out of the Blue, her sire is Champion Ritzilyn Cockney Robin. An enthusiastic show girl she loved the razzmatazz of the ring and has given us a lot of fun. With a CC and reserve to her credit India has taken some wonderful awards, Read more