Hall of Fame
Champion Xanthos Black Thorn JW

XANTHOS BLACK THORN JW jointly bred in May 1998 with Sue Green out of our XANTHOS ORANGE BLOSSOM he is by Rainscourt Son of A Gun. Thornton thrilled us by winning first time out and continued to do well, winning his Junior Warrant with ease and taking his first CC before his 2nd birthday. He took his SGWC at a Field Trial, and gained his full title in April 2003. He has many champion progeny to Read more
Champion Xanthos Tom Foolery JW

CHAMPION XANTHOS TOM FOOLERY JW born in October 1998 by Champion RITZILYN COCKNEY ROBIN out of XANTHOS RAHNEE. I think the first time I got this young dog to stand still was at his first show! and since then he has never looked back. Winning his Junior Warrant by 10 months he has been a joy to show, and finished 1999 as TOP PUPPY. His dam was TOP BROOD BITCH 2001. Tom passed his Show Gundog Read more
Champion Xanthos Effervescent

CHAMPION XANTHOS EFFERVESCENT by Champion Xanthos Apple Jack out of Champion Xanthos Lah di Dah born in October 2001. Fizz is well named! she is very much her father’s daughter in both looks and dispostion, everything is seen from the funny side when your name is Xanthos Effervescent! She had some very impressive puppy wins, and took her Show Gundog Working Certificate in January 2004 and Read more
Champion Xanthos Lah Di Dah

XANTHOS LAH DI DAH born in May 1998 Niamh is by Show Champion Rainscourt Fall Guy out of my Swedish import DEWMIST CLOUD BURST. She went Best Puppy at LKA 1998 at seven months of age and then took to waiting in the wings whilst XANTHOS BLACK THORN JW and XANTHOS TOM FOOLERY JW were campaigned to their Junior Warrants. Niamh gained her first CC at SKC in 2001, followed by her Show Gundog Working Read more
Champion Xanthos Apple Jack

Jack is one of those dogs that just make you smile….. he is always happy, always willing and will always be a special dog to me. He has the construction and disposition to take him to the front of the line, and this he has done so many, many times both here in the UK and at home in Europe. He was lucky enough to be put in to the very capable hands of Mieke Gerritsen in Holland and Read more
Champion Xanthos Conquistador

Novac is a Danish and Swedish Champion. He lives with Jeanette Filskov in Denmark and more photographs of him can be seen on her website www.giddygold.com He was from the first mating of Champion Xanthos Blackthorn and Champion Xanthos Effervescent, and is litter brother to Champion Xanthos Carrisima in Belgium. Read more
Champion Xanthos Pick Pocket

Fred is so much like his father Champion Xanthos Blackthorn in both looks and dispostition. A real gentleman. His mother is Xanthos Foreign Affaire. A keen worker as well as a handsome showman he and Champion Xanthos Orinoco live with Tatiana and the Ambergold team. Read more
Champion Ripr. Xanthos Fiddle Dee Dee

What an important bitch Dee has been. She was born in 1996, royally bred by Champion Paudell Easter Planetagenet out of my imported Dewmist Cloudburst. It was the largest litter I have ever had, fourteen puppies all fit and healthy! I eventually parted with Dee when she was about 9 months putting her into the very capable hands of Valentina Zanini and the rest as they say is history! She grew Read more
International Champion Xanthos Orinoco

Arina lives in St Petersburg, Russia with Tatiana Khramchenkova. She was bred in February 2003 out of my Champion Xanthos Lah Di Dah by Champion Gunhills Blue River. A noteworthy winner she is an International, Russian, German and VDH Champion. She has also taken the title of Grandchampion and National Club Champion in addition to being a trialer! I am very proud to say that the world famous Read more
Champion Xanthos Carissima

Born in September 2003 Cara was from the first coupling of Champion Xanthos Blackthorn and Champion Xanthos Effervescent. She is litter sister to Champion Xanthos Conquistador in Denmark, and older sister to my own bitches Xanthos Debbie Does Dallas and Xanthos Swansong. As well as being the mother of two show champions and a dual champion, she has herself totted a very impressive CV Read more
Champion Xanthos Gryffindor

Gryff is owned in Belgium by Tamara and Peter Ignatievea-Heiremans. He was born in April 2002 and is litter brother to the Champions Xanthos Glastonbury and Xanthos Galadriel. He has many titles to his credit, they include, German VDH Champion, German Club Champion, Luxemburg Champion, Bundessieger 03, Sieger Baden Wurtemberg, Field Trial Diploma. With many CACIBs and group placings to his Read more
Champion Xanthos Glastonbury

Tristan better known as Canadian Champion Xanthos Glastonbury, litter brother to Champions Galadriel and Gryffindor who has taken his crown on the other side of the pond, we are very proud of our International success. Owned by Diane Atkinson in California he was born in April 2002 by Show Champion Ritzilyn Brandon out of Xanthos Purple Patch. Read more
Show Champion Xanthos Galadriel

Show Champion Xanthos Galadriel at Standelbec is owned by Becky Williamson in Monmouthshire. Jazz and Becky have made a winning team with great success here in the UK. Taking her first CC from a novice class she then took off… and has a most impressive catalogue of success. She has along the way collected 6 CCs 4 of which were BOB, 4 res CCs (including Crufts in 2005) group 1 at Gundog Read more
Champion Xanthos Apostle

Luke is owned in Norway by Ian and Ane Denton. He is by Mieke Gerritsen’s Champion Team Spirit of Glensheallag out of my own Champion Xanthos Lah Di Dah, born 1st May 2006. He has recently taken his Norwegian title, and is willing to work for Ane as well as show himself in the ring. For further details about him go to www.kennel-iakas.com Read more
Champion Xanthos Fletcher Christian JW

My lovely lad Fletcher…. litter brother to my own Xanthos Foreign Affaire he left for Australia just before his 2nd birthday into the very capable hands of Liz Molnar. Before he left Blighty he had some very good wins, giving him his Junior Warrant, and after a full season picking up he took his Show Gundog Working Certificate which he passed with ease. Since going down under he has gone Read more
Int Champion Xanthos Blaze of Glory

Born 21st May 2000 Rudy is very much a homebred boy, his father being my Champion Xanthos Tom Foolery JW and his dam being Champion Xanthos Lah Di Dah, he was sold to Damir Skok in Croatia (www.zezahrabske.com) who dispite being very busy with his many judging commitments managed to show and work Rudy with great success. To his credit he has the titles of International Champion, Slovenian Read more
Champion Xanthos Hansard

Romanian Champion Xanthos Hansard is another son of my Champion Xanthos Tom Foolery out of Xanthos Jaipur. He lives in Romania with Toni Gligor as part of the Soulcharisma show team. His notable wins include: Junior Club Winner 2006 in Austria, Derby Winner 2006 in Romania Club Winner 2007 Romanian Retriever Club, As well as CAC’s and CACIB’s to his credit Ego has finished his Read more
Champion Xanthos Olvinglay

I was delighted to put Aspen into the very capable hands of Giovanni Monteverde, he has reared her beautifully and taken her to her crown at the age of only two. Well done, what a team! Read more
Champion Xanthos Nimbus

German Champion Xanthos Nimbus lives in Switzerland with Verena and Ueli Zingg. He is litter brother to my own Xanthos Nymphadora Tonks, and he has made us all very proud by taking his title in 2016. Well done Dancer. Read more
Champion Xanthos Nymphadora Tonks JW

Tonks is the daughter of Icelandic Champion Xanthos Megiddo and Show Champion Zampanzar Say It Again Shardanell JW. She has a Champion brother in Switzerland, Xanthos Nimbus and a winning sister in the USA, Xanthos Nightingale. It was an outstanding litter. Tonks won her Junior Warrant very easily. She has not been shown very much while I have been busy showing her ticket winning aunties Read more
Champion Xanthos Ardulfe
Ardulfe was born May 2006, he is by Ch Team Spirit of Glen Sheallag out of my Ch Xanthos Lah Di Dah. He loved the show ring, qualifying for Crufts at his first show. With his excellent health clearances, he sired a few litters here in the UK and then in May 2008 at the age of two he flew to Lithuania to join Zivile Babianskaite. In her capable hands he has taken many titles in Lithuania, Read more
Grand Canadian Champion Feli Fey Flying Dutchman JW SGWC

Spinnaker was bred in Holland by Brigit Vlaar, sired by my International Champion Xanthos Mondriaan SGWC out of her beautiful German Club & VDH Champion Goldstrike Wild Cherry. His first championship show was the most memorable Golden Retriever Club Centenary Show held July 2013. He was only 6 months old, and he had a ball. Within three months he had completed his Junior Warrant, then as we Read more
Icelandic Champion Xanthos Megiddo JW

After a few unsuccessful tries it really was a case of third time lucky when we got Ch Xanthos Debbie Does Dallas into whelp, so I was reluctant to only keep one puppy… consequently the twins stayed while I made my mind up as to which one to keep! Born on the 11.11.11 I wanted to mark the important day and named the litter after World War One battles, with a connection to the same for Read more
Champion & Italian Champion Xanthos Ferrari JW SGWC

On our way back from Milan after mating his mother Xanthos Firenze to Champion Pinkerly Valmont, we really felt we had to have an Italian name for the hoped for dog puppy.. and here he is, Xanthos Ferrari called Enzo at home. Already showing lots of promise, he won first time out at the West of England Ladies Kennel Association Show, and then did it again the following week at Birmingham Read more
Int. Champion Xanthos Mondriaan SGWC

With the success of my handsome Espionage, I couldn’t resist the temptation to get another son from my beautiful Foreign Affaire so we made another visit to Mieke Gerritsen in Holland and this time used her young dog Sultan of Sand v.d. Beerse Hoeve. My new “Dutch” boy is named after the famous Dutch artist and so far shows the promise I am looking for. At 6 months and Read more
Champion Xanthos Debbie Does Dallas JW SGWC

Born in May 2007 Dallas is from my Champion Xanthos Black Thorn and Champion Xanthos Effervescent combination. Happy to join in with anything, she has her Junior Warrant and is just as willing to work to the gun. Dallas passed her Show Gundog Working Certificate in November 2013 making her a full champion. Dallas has consistently won her way through the classes, and collected CC’s in both Read more
Champion Xanthos Thunderbolt

Dearest Daimler left the UK as a tiny puppy into the very capable hands of Henk and Karin Vogt, he grew into the most beautiful dog of whom I am very proud, his most notable wins include German Champion,VDH Ch., Luxembourg Ch., Berlin Jr Sieger ’96, Berlin Sieger ’97 & 98, Orthenau Sieger ’98. In total Daimler won, 3 Jr CC’s in Germany, 1 res. CC in Holland, 3 CACL Read more
Show Champion Xanthos Shiny and Bright

Show Champion Shiny and Bright is litter sister to my own Champion Xanthos Tom Foolery, Bryce went to live with Erika Ward at the age of 8 months and what a terrific team they made. She took her title shortly after her third birthday and after her first litter early in 2002 she bounced back onto the show scene looking as good as ever, to take the reserve CC at Midland Counties. She is certainly Read more
UK Sh.Ch. Xanthos O’Hara

SHOW CHAMPION XANTHOS O’HARA by Champion Bethrob Bracken out of Gyrima Felicia of Xanthos born in February 1987 she missed her Junior Warrant by one point but made up for it by being my first ticket winner and eventually my first Show Champion. Her first litter by Show Champion Nortonwood Silvanus produced the ticket winning XANTHOS POPPYFIELD, her second litter gave me XANTHOS INDIGO and Read more
Champion Xanthos Wesson

Owned by Sandra Whelan in Dublin sandseers2@eircom.net Flint is better known as Irish Champion Xanthos Wesson for Sandseers. He is by my Champion Xanthos Black Thorn JW out of my Tom daughter Sandicliffe Ruby Murray JW. Read more
Show Champion Xanthos Holly Holland at Dasmaks

Show Champion Xanthos Holly Holland at Dasmaks is sired by Champion Xanthos Blackthorn JW out of my Champion Xanthos Tom Foolery daughter Sandicliffe Ruby Murray JW and is litter brother to Champion Xanthos Wesson. Owned by Debra and Peter Lewis she had made her mark not only in the ring but as a very successful brood bitch. Well done Ola! Read more
Champion Xanthos Wot’sizname
Born on Christmas Day 1996 Watson was sired by Bolberry Chaconne at Moorquest out of Xanthos Guess Who, he was exported to Vilnius, Lithuania where he did a lot of winning, including his title. Read more
Champion Xanthos Bilbo Baggins at Rannaleroch JW ShCM

Tyler is owned by Carron Jenkins and Jeremy Barron and lives up in Angus, Scotland. Despite the miles they have consistently shown him all over the country, always in top condition and it was with great pride that he took his title. He is sired by Champion Xanthos Gryffindor out of my Champion Xanthos Tom Foolery daughter Sandicliffe Ruby Murray JW and is litter brother to Champion Xanthos Read more
Champion Xanthos Blessing

Babou is by Champion Xanthos Gryffindor out of my Champion Xanthos Tom Foolery daughter, Tikka. She is litter sister to Champion Xanthos Bilbo Baggins, and the very clever obedience winner Xanthos Back In A Flash. Babou lives in Austria with Michael Greimel and the Host of Angels Goldens. www.goldenretrieverzuechter.at Read more
Desiderio Paso Doble SGWC

Darling Samba was bred by Tracey Parker, but as you will see from her pedigree she carries the blood of so many of my titled dogs Champion Xanthos Espionage, Champion Xanthos Ferrari, Champion Mondriaan and her grandma is Champion Xanthos Givenchy, so she also has Champion Xanthos Debbie Does Dallas, Champion Xanthos Black Thorn, Champion Xanthos Effervescent, Champion Xanthos Apple Jack and Read more
Int. & Nat Champion Xanthos Nightingale

Litter sister to Champions Nimbus and Nymphadora Tonks, Nightingale is also titled in the capable hands of Tom Evans in Michigan USA she is by Champion Zampanzar Say It Again Shardanell out of Champion Xanthos Megiddo Read more
Can. Grand Ch. Xanthos Society Splash

Abbey has taken her Canadian Grand Champion title, my congratulations to Kristy Theimer of Oklahoma well done girls! Abbey is a daughter of Grand Canadian Champion Feli Fey Flying Dutchman who is a son of International Champion Xanthos Mondriaan and my Xanthos Que Pasa. Abbey is the second one in that litter to take her title, joining her brother Bermuda Champion Xanthos Set Sail. Read more
Champion Xanthos Givenchy JW SGWC

After a few unsuccessful tries it really was a case of third time lucky when we got Ch Xanthos Debbie Does Dallas into whelp. Born on the 11.11.11 I wanted to mark the important day and named the litter after World War One battles, with a connection to the same for their call names. So Wren was named after the battle of Givenchy and my little war baby has proved to be a winner. She took second Read more
Champion Xanthos Espionage JW SGWC

Born in May 2007, Spook is by Champion Matador VD Beerse Hoeve out of Xanthos Foreign Affaire. A happy showman he has his Junior Warrant and has shown the same enthusiastic approach to his first shooting season, he successfully passed his Show Gundog Working Certificate in December 2010, and with excellent health clearances looks to have a bright future. Working his way through the Read more