Champion Ripr. Xanthos Fiddle Dee Dee

What an important bitch Dee has been. She was born in 1996, royally bred by Champion Paudell Easter Planetagenet out of my imported Dewmist Cloudburst. It was the largest litter I have ever had, fourteen puppies all fit and healthy! I eventually parted with Dee when she was about 9 months putting her into the very capable hands of Valentina Zanini and the rest as they say is history! She grew to be a beautifully constructed bitch but was never completely at home in the show ring. She was to make her mark at home, producing Champion after Champion for Valentina. Certainly her first litter to my own Champion Xanthos Tom Foolery (we flew chilled semen out to Italy) produced two pivotal bitches of whom I am immensely proud, namely Champion Breakfast at Tiffany’s and Champion Barbarella. The foundations of Valentina’s kennel were then firmly in place and her skill and continued success is much admired by many. I feel very proud that Dee and my Xanthos lines have played a part in that. Visit to see more.