Champion Xanthos Carissima

Born in September 2003 Cara was from the first coupling of Champion Xanthos Blackthorn and Champion Xanthos Effervescent. She is litter sister to Champion Xanthos Conquistador in Denmark, and older sister to my own bitches Xanthos Debbie Does Dallas and Xanthos Swansong. As well as being the mother of two show champions and a dual champion, she has herself totted a very impressive CV including: German Junior Champion, German VDH Champion, German Club Champion, Sieger Brandenburg 2005, Landessiegerin Thuringen and a Field Trial Diploma. With many CAC and CACIB to her credit she also has a BIS win and BOB wins, one of which was taken when she was only 11 months old at the GRC show in Germany under UK specialist Lynn Kipps. Cara lives in Belgium and has been very succesfully campaigned and handled by Tamara Ignatieva-Heiremans of Fine Art Rudgieri Goldens. More photographs of their dogs can be viewed on their homepage